Friday, February 12, 2010
♥ hoo lala
PEOPLE FROM ALL THE LANDS! I am officially brain dead and tired.
I want to sleep le. But I can't! I have to finish my last batch of cupcakes for my beloved friends. An early Valentine's Day gift from ME! Hahaha.
Today was bloody tiring. I slept at 3.30am the night before. Reasons unknown and unclear (:
TODAY CHINESE WAS FIRST PERIOD. F***ING CAO DOU DOU GAVE US ONLY 45 MINS TO DO BAO ZHANG BAO DAO! WTF. But only like 2 people finished and they are not chinese scholars.. So they can add 5 marks. CDD said that if we finish by lesson end we add 5 marks, by the day, nothing happen. IF WE HAND IN LATE, WE MINUS 10 MARKS! That could totally fail someone who did pretty well.. PMSing bitch.
Then it was maths and IH. Both were fun and interesting except the AS and quiz part. I HAVE TO GO MATHS REMEDIAL! SECOND WEEK LE! Geez. All careless mistakes. I actually got B4 but Mdm Leon say must still go remedial. So I was "late" for training. IH as1 sucked a lot. CW and I only got 4/11!! Shanna and Clarice got 5/11! ONLY IDIOT PRUNY GOT 8/11! with Joanne.. Those freaks..
Recess was lame because I had to chiong my chinese compo. I wrote my last word just when bell ring. PHEW! I WROTE 4.5 PAGES!! HAHAHAHA. SO HAPPY! SO LONGGGG.. (: Then it was Bio. It passed really quickly. TQ JOLYN FOR HELPING ME WITH MY WS! I GOT 15/15! Of course. Most of it was from my "beautiful" drawing of the RBC o.o so ego.. Then physics. I slept for most of it. But still understood what TLH was trying to say. Physics is freaking easy! ^_^ Then.. LA! HAHAHAHA Sarah Birchwood didnt come today (and yesterday) so the class was mainly doing maths ws corrections and screaming around :) I HEART 306 FOR BEING SUCH A FAB AND RETARDED CLASS!!
Then maths remedial. Shi YIn came to sit next to me. Both of us and CW died for the ws. But I managed to complete it all by myself!! not like TCW! I feel so proud of myself! But maths remedial ended late and I rushed down to the range. And I left the class dirty because no one did duty. I hope at least Yu Han did.. So anyway, I didnt train today because the range was full and people were doing mock coms. I ended up outside the range chit chatting with Nat, Rachel, and Jia Ning! TW RACH FOR THE VD PRESENT! LOVE YOU! So.. yar. That is about it in school.
Went home. Slept *_* Went shopping for groceries. Baked.. ALOT (: Now blogging and FBing!
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